Windows 7 – Fix SSD Not Recognized by BIOS After Freeze and Reset

biosssdwindows 7

How it came about:

On a Windows 7 Pro 32-Bit Machine. I was running an incremental backup covering the usual user specific data and a couple of manually selected directories (nothing special: no system directories) with the standard windows backup and restore function. At roughly 50% of the operation my system froze up not reacting in any way holding that state for about 5 minutes followed by a self-induced reset.

Since this reset:

The SSD [PNY XR8 120GB / 4 weeks old] is no longer being recognized by the BIOS.

What i have tried:

  • Different SATA Cables
  • Every available SATA Port
  • Every SATA-Mode (Disabled/IDE/AHCI)
  • The power cycle (20 mins of power to the ssd without sata cable connected, disconnected power for 30 secs, reconnect and repeat twice – then restart with sata/power connected)

Can't find any concrete Information on this – any help appreciated.

Best Answer

What you describe sounds exactly like an SSD failure. I have seen this 3 times before in the last couple of years. All 3 happened the same way.

When a Hard Disk goes, sometimes you get intermittent functionality, a clunking sound to indicate imminent failure, etc. When an SSD goes, there's no warning. Just, gone!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it sounds like the drive has died. Being that it's only 4 weeks old, send it back under warranty and start from scratch.

Always, ALWAYS have a good backup of your SSDs. They go without warning.