Force all programs to use the full OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog interfaces instead of FolderBrowserDialog when opening/saving files

windowswindows 10windows 7windows 8

Here's a question I don't think has been asked before.

Background: I hate the FolderBrowserDialog GUI component with a fiery passion. You know, the useless little folder tree view dialog which some programs insist on using to select files or folders? It looks like this:


If possible, I would like all programs to be effectively blocked from using this terrible little dialog and instead be forced to use the regular OpenFileDialog instead. It looks like this:

enter image description here

Also, I don't know what this variant of the SaveFileDialog is called, where the left-hand pane is replaced with those obnoxiously large icons, but I hate it too. If possible I'd also like to banish it from all programs and have it replaced with the "normal" SaveFileDialog, above. It looks like this:

enter image description here

Is any of this possible using some kind of system-wide hook/intercept or is it just a pipe dream?

Best Answer

Just a pipe dream.

No, you can't force a program to make a different API call because you don't like the one it made.

I realize that these essentially accomplish the same thing but the arguments and parameters are completely different between these two interfaces.

In addition, a programmer can customize the dialog that appears depending on which interface is called.

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