Firefox – Yahoo search has taken over Firefox


Somehow Yahoo has been added as the default search provider in Firefox. How can I get rid of it and go back to Google?

I recently installed the "Tab Mix Plus" Firefox extension, so I suspect that this has changed the search provider.

When I enter a set of words which, without the "www", I used to get the proper URL. Now, I get some sort of search which returns nothing close to what I was looking for and proudly proclaims itself to be "Yahoo Search"

I liked Google before and I would like to return to using Google for search. I have looked all through "Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows XP control panel, but it's not there.

Best Answer

You will need to change the default search engine for the address bar. Follow this post. Alternatively you can set the keyword as mentioned in the post to the below value which is present in my browser:

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