Firefox – Why do add-ons become incompatible when upgrading firefox


My default browser is Chrome, but when I occasionally use Firefox for whatever reason there is often an update to it.
Almost every time I update Firefox some of my add-ons become incompatible.
Why is that?
Why doesn't this happen in Chrome?

Best Answer

I hear you! I ran Firefox today for the first time in ages just to use one addon - it then said an update is available - I let it do this, and then, all my addons got disabled!

Firefox updates do not actually mark individual addons as incompatible per se, it is the addon authors not stating that they are compatible which disables them.

You can use the add on compatibility reporter which will allow you to report addons which are not "compatible" with your Firefox version.

As for why Chrome doesn't do this - I think it is subjective and you will get different answers - IMHO, it is designed in a more traditional way - it allows all add-ons and if anything breaks, the onus is on the user to find the error where as by disabling until they know it is safe, Firefox may annoy the average user, but, is a safer solution to the end user.

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