Firefox – Vimperator and Ctrl+K


This is related to my other question about copy/pasting in Vimperator.

In normal Firefox, Ctrl+K gives the focus to the search bar.

How can I do this in Vimperator?

The weird thing is that it doesn't work even in -- PASS THROUGH -- mode. Ctrl+L works in pass through, why is it that Ctrl+K doesn't?

Is there a fix or a patch?

Best Answer

Firstly, awesome job figuring out wildoptions

That said, I'd just add that if you just hit o or t it should take you to the command box with the pre-filled command :open or :tabopen respectively. You could type some text and hit Tab to look at auto-complete options for that text.

Also if you ever want to see your search bar for whatever reason:

:set go+=T

Now you should have your entire toolbar, but to access the searchbox I use:

  • Alt+d -> Tab


  • Ctrl+l -> Tab

To get rid of the unsightly toolbar just use:

:set go-=T

you could open up searchoptions via:

:dia searchengines

and set the keywords for each search engine. For eg: Google -> g, Yahoo -> y, etc.

Now when you need to search just hit o or t and follow up the command with g hello as in:

:open g hello

to open a google search page for the word hello

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