Firefox – the HTTP referrer for Firefox when opening a link in a new tab


Just out of curiosity:

My default browsing behavior (with FireFox 3.5) is to open links in a new tab. If I am searching something in google, I always right-click search results and open them in a new tab. If I am looking at popular links on, I right-click and open the link in a new tab.

So I am wondering what the HTTP Referrer would show for my visits when I land on a site. If I "follow" a link from delicious by right-click & opening in a new tab, does FireFox tell the site that I came there from delicious, or does it treat it like I opened a new tab and typed the URL in myself?

I don't have any web servers that I can see the referrer for, otherwise I would test this out myself.


Best Answer

In FF 3.0.11 it sends the referrer exactly as if you had opened it in the same window (tells the site where you came from). As far as I know this behavior is true for all browsers.

The FF Live HTTP Headers addon is good for testing these kinds of things.

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