Firefox plugin to block scripts of only specified websites


I'm looking for a Firefox plugin that blocks JavaScript from specified URLs.


  • I add: ""
  • It then blocks all scripts coming from Google Analytics.

Essentially a blacklist of sites that I don't want to allow JavaScript from.

Note: I know of NoScript which blocks all scripts from all websites. But I don't want that.

Best Answer

  • NoScript is a common solution. It uses whitelisting by default -- but as Kelbizzle notes, supports blacklisting -- and also helps with vulnerabilities related to XSS.

  • YesScript is a blacklist-only alternative to the tangled code of NoScript.

  • AdBlock Plus's filter options can also solve this:$script. This is my choice because it makes managing and copying filter rules extremely easy.

  • RequestPolicy allows you to block third-party resources, including script. This is a whitelist with a a few useful temporary or permanent "allow all" options, and it doesn't differentiate between type of resource like ABP does.

  • Karma Blocker is a resource blocker that is apparently as powerful as ABP, but it requires more thought to configure than the other options.