Firefox – Open Link in different Profile in Firefox


I'd like to have Firefox open Links in another Profile. Preferrably in way that I can set some URLs to open in the same Profile.

My use case:

I've set up a Firefox profile without navigation bar, which holds all my messenger web apps, which is started automatically on startup.

If someone sends me a link via messenger, it is opened in this profile though, which isn't practical without the navbar and in terms of workflow.
I'd like to have a setup, where all the internal messenger links(say*) are opened in the messenger profile and all external links are opened in my default Firefox profile.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Best Answer

This is not really what I wanted so I won't mark this as the correct answer, but this is the closest I got with my setup so far:

I installed the Open With Firefox add-on, which gives you the possibility to context-click-open a link with another Browser, or to have a toolbar icon to move the opened site to another browser.

In order to be able to select a specific profile with this plugin I made a copy of the firefox.dektop file (in /usr/share/applications on ubuntu 16.04) and changed the lines Name=Firefox Web Browser to Name=Firefox Web Browser -default and more importantly Exec=firefox %u to Exec=firefox -P default %u.

You can substitute "default" for whatever profile you want to use.

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