Firefox URLs – Number of Suggested URLs in Firefox


When I type the following in the address bar in firefox

  • key_word

Firefox suggests me a few number of URLs that contain the key word.
I wanted to know if there is a way to increase the number of URLs suggested by firefox to say 20 or all?

Also I was actually trying to browse all the URLs i have book marked with a set of tags, say tag1, tag2 etc…

is there a way I can specify to see links/URLs with specific tags?


Best Answer

For the first question, type about:config in the location bar and search the entry browser.urlbar.maxRichResults. You'll be able to change the number.

For the second question, you can use customizable characters in the location bar. For example, the symbol + means to search tags. Therefore, if you type key_word +, you'll search bookmarks tagged key_word. More information about customizable characters.

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