Firefox – Is it possible to rotate YouTube videos while watching on desktop PC


Nowadays many people use mobile devices to watch videos on YouTube, so the creators of some videos began to adapt their videos to such devices, turning them 90 degrees counterclockwise (random example from YouTube – some girl is dancing). This makes it convenient to view in case where you can easily rotate the device 90 degrees.

But how to watch such videos on a regular desktop, with a monitor fixed in one position? Maybe there are any plug-ins or viewers for such streaming video that allow you to easily rotate the video while watching? This task should not be resource-consuming – you just need to swap the horizontal and vertical axis.

(if it's important – I use Firefox to watch YouTube, but I'm willing to consider using a different browser if it's necessary)

Best Answer

Use the extension Rotate Youtube Video:

a toolbar button for easier rotate youtube video

enter image description here

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