Firefox – Import passwords from LastPass to Firefox


I have Firefox 48 and Ubuntu 16.04.
I'm migrating from LastPass to default Firefox Password Manager.

I have exported my passwords with LastPass and it created a file (no extension, but I think it's CSV).
I have installed the Password Exporter extension ( and I tried to import that file, but it say that it can't import that file.
So I tried to convert it to XML using this python script, also I imported that file to KeePass v2 and exported to both XML and CSV.
Again I tried to import those files and the CSV file can't be imported, instead, with the XML files the extension does not throw any error, still it does nothing because no passwords are actually imported.

Is there a working way to import those passwords to my Firefox Password Manager?


Best Answer

The LastPass add-on for Firefox has an option to do this. Choose ToolsAdvanced ToolsExport ToFirefox

enter image description here

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