Firefox – How to uninstall Facebook Messenger for Firefox


I have Firefox beta installed and when I visited Facebook the other day I turned on Messenger for Firefox. I tried it and I think I'll pass. However, I do not see any way to turn it off. I skimmed through Firefox Options and returned to the Facebook "Turn On" page, but I do not see a Turn Off button anywhere. I can't even hide the Facebook buttons added to my navigation toolbar by dragging them into the Customize Toolbar window. The Mozilla article announcing the Social API claims "It’s just as easy to remove", but offers no instructions on how to do so. How can I turn off Facebook Messenger for Firefox?

Best Answer

To turn off Facebook Messenger for Firefox, first click on F (Facebook logo) button on the Firefox navigation toolbar (top right side). Clicking the F button will bring up a menu with three options: Show sidebar, Show Desktop notifications, and Remove from Firefox. Select Remove from Firefox to bring up a confirmation popup.

Facebook Messenger menu

On the Remove Facebook Messenger popup, select the Remove Facebook Messenger button to turn off Facebook Messenger for Firefox.

Confirmation popup

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