Firefox – How to solve the “browser does not currently support any of the video formats” message


Recently I have begun getting the following message in Firefox on about half the videos on YouTube, forcing me to use Chrome "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available":

enter image description here

When I get this I have to open Chrome and paste the URL in there to watch the video which is insanely annoying. Opening the info page ( shows the following:

enter image description here

How can I (A) find out what formats the video has, and (B) how to make Firefox support those formats?

(This is the latest version of Firefox, I do immediate updates whenever new versions come out. The current version is 49.0.2. This is a Windows box.)

Best Answer

This problem occurred when I watch a YouTube live video with Firefox on Ubuntu.

Installing ffmpeg solved my problem:

sudo apt install ffmpeg or

Same fix on Fedora 26 Workstation with Firefox 56 (x64):

sudo dnf install ffmpeg