Firefox – How to run older add-ons in Firefox 3.6


Is there any way to run older add-ons with the newer Firefox 3.6?

If it were possible: is this a good idea, or should we wait for the original developer to release an update? Are there any cons to forcing an addon to run in newer versions of Firefox?

In this case the specific add-on I need is com tab (to create complex data table mark-up to aid screen reader users to access table data), which by the way is experimental.

Best Answer

Usually it's better to wait for an updated version of an add-on, certified by the developer to work with the current release of Firefox.

However, some (or even most) add-ons work perfectly even if they've not been updated by the developer. You can skip the compatibility check by going to about:configand adding the boolean key extensions.checkCompatibility.3.6 and set it to false. This is also useful if an add-on is not actively maintained anymore.

alt text

Note this method skips the compatibility check for all the extensions installed in Firefox.

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