Firefox – How to remove User-Agent for Firefox


How to remove User-Agent for Firefox

The goal is to remove this header from all web requests, in case you don't want sites to know which OS are you using.

Best Answer

There is a way to do this without any addons:

  • enter "about:config" into the URL bar. Press Enter.
  • create a new entry with key=general.useragent.override and an empty string as a value.
  • If you use an old version of Firefox, you also need to set the key general.useragent.enable_overrides to true.

This way your browrer will not send any "User Agent" at all. You can check this by doing:

  • open firefox network view with Ctrl Shift Q
  • load any URL you want
  • click on a web request and see the "Request Headers" on the right. There should be no "User-Agent" entry if you've done it right.

P.S. Your browser type is still be leaked if you have JS enabled for a site. This is because each browser has its own rendering capabilities, supported formats etc. The described steps remove "User-Agent" request headers, that's all.

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