Firefox – How to get back to the previous tab I was working on, after closing the latest

browser-tabsfirefoxkeyboard shortcutsvimperator

My tabs:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]


If you're a Firefox user you know that

if you have 10 tabs open and say you're in the tab #5. If you open a new tab which will become #11 in order and search something, after you finish and close this #11 tab Firefox will direct you the the last active tab you were in which is #5.

Using Vimperator

You won't get the similar effect. In the same scenario, while you're in tab #5 you can go t and search for something which will lead to opening a tab at #11. Now you press d and where you are now ? #10

and you need to ctrl+p all the way back to #5.

So in this case I am looking for one of these solutions.

  1. to be able to open a tab straight after the current tab (which closing it will capital D will put me back to my active tab)
  2. a way to close a tab and being brought back to the last active tab that I worked on.

Will appreciate it if somebody got a solution for this.


Best Answer

I'm pretty sure you know the solution (point 2): use the default firefox shorcut, i.ed use Ctrl+w and don't use d !

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