Firefox – How to disable Aero transparency in Firefox 4


I noticed that the transparent interface in Firefox 4 for Windows 7 is really curbing performance. After Googling for a method to disable Aero for Firefox, however, I got no results. There just doesn't seem to be a straight forward (such as a simple Boolean to turn it off in about:config) method to get rid of Aero effects.

Is it even possible in the Firefox 4 beta? I'm using Firefox 4 beta 12 (soon to be RC after the update).

Best Answer

You can disable Aero when you run FireFox by setting it's Windows compatibility options and check-marking "Disable Desktop Composition". But this will turn of Aero system-wide when you run FF.

There are others finding this problem as well, and it seems to be related to the new hardware acceleration in FF4, as witnessed at's forums.

Testing suggestions from here:

To test if a problem you’re seeing is due to hardware acceleration, you can disable it. There are two ways to accomplish this:

•Run Firefox in safe mode. (All hardware acceleration is always disabled in safe mode.)

•Uncheck “Use hardware acceleration when available” in the Advanced section of the Preferences/Options dialog.