Firefox – Google: “302 Moved” in Firefox


For some Google search queries executed from the Firefox search bar, or manually by typing in the URL, I get a ''302 Moved'' page. I did a quick virus scan, have checked the hosts file and the plugins and add-ons that are installed in Firefox. Nothing is out of the ordinary. What could be the problem?

These URLs (and any URL with, empty and firefox-a in them) show me a 302 Moved page:

Whereas these URLs work fine:

By default Google redirects my queries to their .nl website, and uses HTTPS. I am currently executing a full system virus scan using Security Essentials. My Firefox plugins were up-to-date. No unfamiliar Firefox plugins or add-ons found. Restarting Firefox did not solve the issue. The issue does not occur in Internet Explorer. The hosts file did not contain any unfamiliar entries.

Best Answer

After restarting Firefox with all add-ons and plugins disabled, the issue went away. By enabling each add-on and testing it, I found that DoNotTrack+ is the culprit.

However, I don't know how to solve it. I cannot add to the whitelist as there are no trackers to block. And even so, I am not sure that whitelisting Google would solve the problem.

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