Firefox Certificate Issue – Firefox Not Asking for Certificate on Required Sites


I use Firefox 44.0.2 on a Linux Xubuntu system. I'm trying to access a company website that requires a certificate.

I can confirm I have the correct certificate in Preferences->Advanced->Certificates->View Certifacates->Your Certificates

It's there and it's the same certificate I successfully use on my Chrome browser on my Windows machine. When I try to access the website from the Windows Chrome, I get a pop up asking me to select one of my certs, I select the correct one and everything works.

My issue is that Firefox on my Linux never prompts me to select a certificate when I try to access the website. I just get a "400 No required SSL certificate was sent."

How can I get Firefox to prompt me for a cert? Or how can I tell him which cert to use?

Best Answer

I have just been experimenting with this myself. It seems that Firefox will only prompt if you have already imported a certificate signed by the same issuer who has signed site's SSL certificate.

So get your CA to sign both the server and client certificates, then import the client certificate into Firefox (via the Preferences window.) The next time you visit the site, Firefox will notice that it has a client certificate signed by the same CA as the server's SSL certificate, so it will prompt you whether to use this or not.

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