Firefox – Disable/enable the proxy on a tab by tab basis in Firefox


Is it possible to disable/enable the proxy connection on a tab-by-tab basis in Firefox?

I can access the internet with the proxy enabled, and I can access our internal servers with the proxy disabled, but neither configuration allows the other.

I have a feeling that Firefox 4's per tab profiles may permit this, but was wondering whether there was a way to achieve this on Firefox 3.6.13, perhaps through the use of an extension.

For the moment I'm making do with quickProxy (not QuickProxy which I've just discovered while trying to find quickProxy) which allows me to switch the proxy on and off for the whole browser, but would prefer something more fine-grained.

Best Answer

I recently discover this FireFox extension that might work for you:

this seems to allow you to configure a proxy per-container and you can certainly attach one or more tabs to the container as needed.

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