Firefox – Disable Control-L hotkey on YouTube


I am used to using Ctrll to access my address bar. Unfortunately YouTube "helpfully" defines Ctrll as a hotkey to jump forward several seconds in the currently playing video, so I need a way to stop YouTube from adding that key binding. A Greasemonkey/Scriptish userscript that disables the binding after page load would be acceptable.

To be clear, this is while I am on a YouTube video's page, not on a third-party site that has embedded a YouTube video, and the behavior occurs when the Flash player does not have focus.

Note: I am aware that Altd does the same as Ctrll in Firefox, but I'm too used to Ctrll and I'd rather not be forced to switch.

Edit: OS-specific solutions are less desirable since I use multiple OSes; in-browser solutions are preferred.

Best Answer

First, the bug has been around since 2001. Or earlier. It was reported as far back as that.

Reported: 2001-05-01 14:28 PDT

Mozilla Bug Report. Which tells you that not only is Mozilla aware of it, but they've known about it for a while. Oh, and I know that seems to be a more generic bug report, but this one here is more recent, and more specific to your issue, and is tagged as a duplicate of the first I linked you to.

That said, there is code to disable some (most?) Youtube keyboard shortcuts... but it must be added to the embedded tags when the video is put in the web page.


There are numerous sites on the web passing that information out, here is just one. Unfortunately, I believe that if this was as simple as running a Greasemonkey script to add that code to any YouTUbe emedded video tags as you load the page, it would have been done already. By the people at Mozilla.

Now, I spent some time digging through the Addons at Firefox, and I came across this one called Stylish, which enables you to personalize your experience at sites like Youtube. I don't know personally, but depending on the level of customization, and exactly how it does what it does, you might be able to get it to inject the code.

There are Greasemonkey scripts that alter your Youtube experience like this one, but none detail the ability to disable keyboard shortcuts. However, either the author of the script didn't consider it, or it was never suggested to them.

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