Firefox 43 auto-hides address bar “drop down arrow” – how to disable


The newest Firefox (version 43) auto-hides the "drop down list arrow" in the address bar (so it only appears when you place the cursor over the address bar). Is there a way to disable this (annoying) behavior?

Best Answer

Go to your Firefox profile folder. This should be

<Home Directory>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<Profile Name>.default

where <Home Directory> is typically C:\Users\<User Name>.

You'll want to go into the chrome folder and create the file userChrome.css if it doesn't exist already. Add the code below to the file and save. You'll need to restart Firefox for the changes to have an effect.

To always show the arrow:

@namespace url("");
#urlbar:not(:hover) > .urlbar-textbox-container > .urlbar-history-dropmarker {
opacity: 100 !important;

To always hide the arrow:

@namespace url("");
.urlbar-history-dropmarker {
display: none !important;

Source: DOM Inspector and How to remove drop down address bar arrow icon?? : firefox at reddit.