Windows – Firefox 29: How to get Control Menu back

firefoxtitle barwindows 7

I just updated to Firefox 29 today, and now there's no Control Menu (Firefox icon). In fact, the entire Title Bar is now missing.

Here's how it looks in Firefox 29 (NOT what I want):
Firefox 29

And here's how it looks on my other computer (Firefox 28 which I haven't updated yet). This is what I want:
Firefox 28

How can I at least get the Control Menu back?

Best Answer

To get the control menu back in Firefox 29 on Windows:

  1. Click the "Open Menu" (far right with the three horizontal bars)
  2. Click "Customize (bottom of the opened window)
  3. Click "Title Bar" (bottom left of the opened window) This toggles the top control menu on and off.


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Click on image for a larger view.

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