Powershell – Filter List of Strings by Regex, Then Group and Sort by Capture Groups


I'm looking for a way to filter a list of strings in powershell by a regex, then group and sort by one of the capture groups.

Imagine my list is like this:

ACBXYZ-0000 hello
ACBXYZ-0000 hello again
ACBXYZ-0001 world
ACBXYZ-0001 world

First i've done this:

$list | select-string "^(ACBXYZ-\d+)(.*)"

Which outputs

ACBXYZ-0000 hello
ACBXYZ-0000 hello again
ACBXYZ-0001 world
ACBXYZ-0001 world

Then i've done this:

$list | select-string "^(ACBXYZ-\d+)(.*)" | % { "$($_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value), $($_.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value.Trim(' ,-'))" } | sort | group | select name

Which outputs

ACBXYZ-0000, hello
ACBXYZ-0000, hello again
ACBXYZ-0001, world

But actually i would like to output this:

ACBXYZ-0000, hello
ACBXYZ-0001, world

since the message after the number is nice to have but not really important.

Any ideas?

PS.: I was able to achieve that with a more complicated script, but i was looking for a one-liner.

Best Answer

In answering and researching for this question on SO, I believe I have a solution that's alligned to your original intent.

No doubt this can be shortened further (this code-golf should sort that out) but this would work for what you have posted

 ? {$_ -match '^(ACBXYZ-\d+)'} | group {([Regex]::Match($_, [Regex]::new('^(ACBXYZ-\d+)'))).Value} | % {($_.group | sort le*)[0]}


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