Windows – Files from OneDrive folder always open read only

onedrivewindows 8

I use Windows 8.1.

Everytime I try to open a document (Word/Excel etc) from my OneDrive folder it opens as read only. When I close Word and open it again I can edit it.

Where can I change that? Can I change that? My OneDrive is set up to make all files available offline on my PC.

Best Answer

Couldn't find the solution in the link as it says access denied (same after registering to Microsoft forums with an Office 365 account) In my case, the problem was similar but not exactly the same conditions: Onedrive for business, Office 365 and Windows server 2016. However, since I've struggled with the problem for quite a bit, I think it's better to post a solution. For me the solution was going to security (right-click on the folder->properties->security tab), go to advanced permissions. There, I could see there were Deny permissions (specifically write and delete). I removed the deny permissions and now I can write to that folder.

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