Windows – File with illegal character in name


I need to access a file on a network drive, but the file has a : in its name. This makes Windows rather unhappy. I cannot rename the file through any method on Windows, so I tried a Mac computer. It sees the file and uses a / instead of the :, but it also throws errors when trying to rename the file. I booted up an Ubuntu live CD to check, but Ubuntu doesn't display the file at all (even with hidden files/folders shown).

I'm at a loss for what to do. I cannot rename, delete, or move the file, so it's stuck there. What can I do to forcefully rename the file? (Deletion is also acceptable, but I'd MUCH prefer saving the data if at all possible.)

This was attempted on Windows 8, OS X 10.8.5, and Ubuntu 13.04.

Best Answer

Have you tried renaming with wildcard matching? For instance, if the file is bad:name.bin, try ren bad*.bin ok.bin.

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