“file not found” error while commiting


I have a working copy, checked out from SVN repository.

When i'm trying to commit, i get following error:

svn: File not found: revision 57, path '/trunk/path/to/my/file/logo-mini.jpg'

I've found this file in the repo and noticed, that it has only one revision – 58.

I don't understand, why SVN complains about this file, when it is presented and why it points to revision 57 instead of 58 ?

I've also renamed the grand-grand-grand-parent folder of this file. Possible, this is an issue …


Detailed error description, that i've got from Cornerstone app (Mac OS X):

Description : Could not find the specified file.
 Suggestion : Check that the path you have specified is correct.

Technical Information

      Error : V4FileNotFoundError
  Exception : ZSVNNoSuchEntryException

Causal Information

Description : Commit failed (details follow):
     Status : 160013
       File : subversion/libsvn_client/commit.c, 867

Description : File not found: revision 57, path '/trunk/assets/themes/base/article-content/images/logo-mini.jpg'
     Status : 160013
       File : subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/tree.c, 663

So, i've renamed "/trunk/assets/themes directory" to "/trunk/assets/skins", while improving project structure.

I've tried following:

  • updating /trunk/assets/themes directory
  • cleaning
  • deleting from filesytem and checking out again
  • reverting entire /trunk/assets/themes directory to the HEAD revision. Even this does't helps. Still getting the same error.

I've got no results.

Best Answer

Cornerstone requires that you manually set working copy version in Cornerstone that matches version of Subversion on server. You can change it by selecting Working Copy -> Upgrade Working Copy...

I've just figure out the dates in this post, but I'm gonna commit the answer anyway just in case someone is still searching for an answer

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