Windows 10 – How to Fix Video File Not Playing Due to File Location Issue

files-folderswindows 10

  • Edition Windows 10 Pro
  • Version 21H2
  • Installed on ‎6/‎15/‎2022
  • OS build 19044.2006
  • Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0
  • Secondary hard drive "D:" the one with the issue.

Due to the video file location being incorrect, video files are not playing.

When looking at the properties of bad files.

Location: \\?\D:\Other Games\123.mp4 ← The extra slash are causing issues.

Folder path: D:\Other Games\ 123.mp4

Is there any way to modify the location to be the same as the folder path? I have over 250 GB of these files.

Below are the images of the same file:

Properties image of Location

Properties image of Folder Path

More Info

Best Answer

In the text of your question, you only show a single backslash; the screenshot shows a double backslash, as in Microsoft's implementation of the UNC path convention, "A server or host name, which is prefaced by \\." For some reason Windows considers the D: drive to be on a remote server.

Where are these files actually located? On a drive in the PC? On a remote server or NAS? If on a remote device, try making a shortcut to the device, e.g. \MY_NAS, or \MY_NAS"Other Games".

Another possibility is that the space in the folder Other Games is causing issues on the server. Try changing the folder to OtherGames to avoid need for quotes.

Footnote: Questioner has determined it is a folder name issue, due to length of total file path; and the hint to remove space helped resolve issue by showing some files were visible in shortened path. Kudos to questioner for letting others know.