How to Take Ownership of a File in Windows 7

permissionswindows 7

I downloaded a file from the internet (I can link to it here, but in the interests of not annoying other users, I won't post the link), and I can't delete the file with the message:

You need permission to perform this action

You require permission from the computer's administrator to make changes to this file

Trouble is, I am the administrator and UAC is completely off.

If I go into the Properties/Security tab, I get the message

You do not have permission to view or edit this object's permission settings

Clicking "Advanced"/Owner, it says:

Current owner: Unable to display current owner.

If i try to change the owner, I get the same message:

Unable to set new owner on file

Access is denied.

Best Answer

Give Unlocker a try. If there is any open file handle it will let you close it so you can successfully delete the file.

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If that doesn't work for some reason, try BootDeleter. It will delete the file for you upon reboot, before Windows has a chance to lock it on you.

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Both utilities are freeware.

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