Fedora 30 upgrade and unable to boot


I have upgraded from 32 bit Fedora 28 to 30 using dnf system-upgrade, exactly as found in the Fedora documents. All was OK, up to dnf system-upgrade reboot. The started system has upgraded the packages, with cleanup and verify. After numerous hours, the system has restarted but grub cannot boot and it enters the grub command mode.

Using CD rescue disk, I have verified the hard disk and every partition on it using fdisk an fsck. Not problem encountered. I have verified in /boot/ and I have found vmlinuz and initramfs having the expected endings and a size which looks OK.

But /boot/grub2/grub.cfg is strange and very different from the usual structure.

I have booted from the grub command line using configfile /grub2/grub.cfg.rpmsave and I was able to boot as under Fedora 28. I have tried to generate a tentative grub.cfg using grub2-mkconfig and I have put it in /tmp/ in order to compare it with /boot/grub2/grub.cfg. The result: It is exactly the same.

What can I do in order to make the system running well as Fedora 30 as expected ?

Is it a good idea to run dnf update while running this old kernel 28 ?

Best Answer

I had the same issue. Apparently if your Fedora installation is old enough, then it has the issue. I was upgrading from way early version thru those, then 29, then to 30. After the 30 upgrade, it boots to the grub> prompt.

In the end, I followed advice about running grub2-install from Common F30 bugs @ Fedora Project

I used an installation disk in troubleshoot/rescue mode to be able to manipulate the grub.cfg. Steps I did were:

  1. copied current (30) to have it for the future: cp grub.cfg grub.cfg.new
  2. copied old (29): cp grub.cfg.rpmsave grub.cfg
  3. reboot, which went into 29.
  4. logged in, ran grub2-install /dev/{boot drive} (for me, {boot drive} was sda)
  5. Rebooted, but honestly not sure this is necessary
  6. logged in, then put the current (3) grub.cfg back in place: cp grub.cfg.new grub.cfg
  7. Rebooted – it showed FC 30 and booted fine
  8. Reran grub2-install just to get whatever FC30 has instead of FC29
  9. Rebooted, logged in, ran dnf update
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