Extreme speed fluctuation when downloading torrents


I am downloading the new Ubuntu release, and the speed fluctuates a lot. By a lot, I mean it is 500 kB/s one minute, and 1 kB/s the other (not exaggerating). It seems to have slow and fast "periods".

I am using the latest uTorrent on Windows XP, currently there are 41 seed connections and 9 peer connections.

Any idea what might be causing this?

Best Answer

Since you are using XP, have a look at your System Event Log for Event ID 4226 "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts". Microsoft introduced a limit on the number of concurrent half-open TCP connections in SP2 of XP and this can often be hit with torrents.

For more information see How to adjust your Windows XP TCP Connection to boost your BT download speed? which includes a link for adjusting the number of TCP connections.

It would also be worth looking at some of the TCP Tuning tools, such as SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer as XP doesn't have a well tuned TCP/IP stack as the ones in Vista or Windows 7.