Extended Phone Line and DSL Signal Quality

dsldsl-modemsignal strength

I am thinking about changing my internet service. DSL I know uses the telephone line but the one issue is the telephone jack is on the other side of the room.

If I was to take a 50ft phone cord I could easily reach the other side of my room. If I use an extended phone cord will I see a degradation in my signal? Would it be better to run a long Ethernet cable to the PC than a long Phone cord to the router?

Note: I am looking for hard information not what ifs. IE: Per every 5ft you see (roughly) this much drop in signal quality. I also realize that there could be local factors that could effect signal strength. I am looking for the most common scenarios. Also I could use a wireless connection and may go that route but I prefer a hard line connection for my desktop.

Best Answer

It shouldn't make any difference either way. 50 feet is easily tolerated by either DSL or Ethernet.

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