Extend internet connection

internet connection

Currently I have a router in the house (BT HomeHub) however need to get internet to 2 other buildings on the same property. The first is approximately 100 metres away with no easy line of sight and the other about 20 metres futher same however does have a line of sight. Both are well out of the range of my current wireless and I have tried various (fairly cheap) aerials to increase this range with no success.

The properties each have their own mains supply and as such I can't use powerline networking, and as the house is a listed building I am limited as to what I can do to it (e.g no satellite style dishes fitted to the side of the house!). Finally I have received a quote from more than 1 telecoms provider which is very expensive and as such not currently an option.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to the hardware / software that could be used to achieve this?

Best Answer

You need an Industrial grade solution of wireless hardware, there are many, this is just one.


Might be best to hire a consultant to get the job done right.

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