Expose Application Windows – Show Only Current Space Windows in Expose on macOS 10.6


In Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, If you activate the "Application Windows" Exposé function, it will show all of that applications windows, whether they're in the current Space or not. Is there a way to have the "Application Windows" Exposé function show only those application windows that are in the current Space?

I have perhaps a dozen TextMate windows open across multiple spaces, and it's difficult to find the one I'm looking for if all of them are shown instead of just the ones in the current space.

This is a change from Leopard 10.5. Is there a way to reactivate the old behavior?

Best Answer

A solution!

$ defaults write com.apple.dock wvous-show-windows-in-other-spaces -bool FALSE
$ killall Dock

(Via MacOSXHints via the support discussion)

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