Exchange 2013 Blocking redirect of OOF messages to external


on the Exchange 2013-cluster I have a problem with redirect of OOF messages. Users who redirect all incoming emails to an external address per inboxrule, get all email in the targetmailbox except OOF notifications. There is an abstract from Message Tracking Log:

SourceContext           : BlockInternalOofToExternalUser
Source                  : ROUTING
EventId                 : DROP
Recipients              : {external Redirectaddress}
RecipientStatus         : {[{LRT=};{LED=250 2.1.5 RESOLVER.OOF.IntToExt; handled internal OOF addressed to external recipient};{FQDN=};{IP=}]}

Configuration Renote-Domain “*”:
DomainName                           : *
IsInternal                           : False
TargetDeliveryDomain                 : False
ByteEncoderTypeFor7BitCharsets       : Undefined
CharacterSet                         : iso-8859-1
NonMimeCharacterSet                  :
AllowedOOFType                       : External
AutoReplyEnabled                     : True
AutoForwardEnabled                   : True
DeliveryReportEnabled                : True
NDREnabled                           : True
MeetingForwardNotificationEnabled    : True
ContentType                          : MimeHtmlText
DisplaySenderName                    : True
PreferredInternetCodePageForShiftJis : Undefined
RequiredCharsetCoverage              :
TNEFEnabled                          :
LineWrapSize                         : Unlimited
TrustedMailOutboundEnabled           : False
TrustedMailInboundEnabled            : False
UseSimpleDisplayName                 : False
NDRDiagnosticInfoEnabled             : True

How can the OOF messages are redirected to external users?

Thank you for your support,

Best Answer

This is a cosmetic issue that will only be visible in a message trace. It applies to an internal OOF message and the message trace will show that there was an SMTP drop event for an External OOF message. The internal OOF message is delivered successfully and an external is dropped while the sender was an internal sender there should be no external OOF message generated in the first place. So this can be ignored. You may see the same (reversed) for an External OOF message where an internal drop event is visible in a message trace.

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