Excel: Why doesn’t “File->Save As” remember the last directory between sessions

default settingsmicrosoft excelmicrosoft-office

I have already read and implemented the answer in the following post.
Excel: why doesn't "File-> Save As" remember the last directory that you saved a file in
However I did not have much faith it was what I was looking for.

If you've ever used OpenOffice you will notice between sessions it remembers the last opened directory for save and open. How can I make excel (word, ect) do the same?


1) open excel (notice the default file location when you click

2) save the workbook to a different location other than the default,
we will call it c:/newloc

3) 'file->open' and you notice the default location you are brought to
is c:/newloc

4) close excel

5) open excel (notice the default file location when you click
'file->open' is no longer c:/newloc)

How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

I'm afraid you can't, but with Excel 2010 (and maybe 2007, I don't know), you click the File tab, select Recent and then you can click on a map in the Recent Locations list.

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