Excel Vertical Scroll – How to Scroll Columns A-E Vertically While F-H Stay the Same

microsoft excelscrolling

I know I can split at column F and each will scroll individually horizontally but I want them to independently scroll vertically. Is this possible?

Here is a fiddle of an example of what I want in HTML/css

enter image description here

Here is a screencap of my spreadsheet just so you guys can get an idea of why I'm trying to do this:

enter image description here

Ideally it wouldn't even have two scrollbars. The right few columns would just stick where they are (they would never need to be scrolled).

I don't believe this is a duplicate of this question for two reasons: First, his requirements are only to "freeze" the right-most column. I need multiple. Second, the accepted solution is the "split" option, which as I stated above only allows independent horizontal scrolling, not vertical as I require.

Best Answer

The only way I know is View -> New Window , and then Arrange All -> Vertical.

You will have two windows of the same worksheet so you can move horizontally and vertically on each window independently of the other window.

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