Excel time difference if a cell is not formatted as time

cellsdate timemicrosoft excel

I just can't solve this!
Excel 2010, I have a timesheet where I write day by day the entry time, exit time, lunch time.
A cell computes the worked hours, say:

A       B       C        D
entry   exit    lunch    worked(=B2-A2-C2)
09.30   18.20   00.15    8:35
09.20   13.10   00.00    3:50
09.30   18.40   00.45    8:25
09.15   18.40   00.30    8:55

Now I sum the worked day and times in the summary cells:

Worked days (=COUNT.NUMBERS(D1:D31))    13 
Worked hours (=SUM(D1:D31))             99:05  <- formatted as [hh].mm
Full hours (=D33*8)                     104    <- hours if I had worked full time each day
Difference (???)

In the Difference cell I want to know how many hours I have worked more (or less) than the standard 8 hours per day.

A simple difference =D45-D44 does not work, because the two cells are in a different format. I've tried a lot of conversions and cell formats, with no luck.

The funny thing is that with the previous excel version (2007) it worked!
I can't figure this out, thanks.

Best Answer

Times and dates in Excel use a format where 1.0 represents a day. Take the cell that's formatted as hh:mm and multiply it by 24 to convert it to hours.

To convert the hourly result back to a time, reverse the process - divide it by 24.

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