Excel – Sum based on drop-down list in Excel

microsoft excel

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I have this table and I would like to sum the amount from the drop down list.

Lets say I have few categories from my drop down menu (column L) and on column P I would like to have the amount I inserted in column I.

For example, every time I pick Plant Cost from drop down list in Column L, the amount in P7 will auto sum the amount, in my attached picture I supposed to have 4,717.00. Is this possible?

Best Answer

If you make sure that the text values in column O exactly match your drop down values, you could put this into P7 and copy it down to the cells below:


If your table has more than 1000 rows, then increase the 1000 on the end of the ranges in the formula, or format as a table and reference the entire column instead.

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