Excel – Stacked line charts

microsoft excelmicrosoft-powerpoint

I need to create a trend line where the series all have similar values so in order to show the actual trends, I would like to separate the lines, similar to the image below. The chart below is using what PowerPoint calls a stacked line chart.

Powerpoint stacked line chart

The problem is that while the value labels populate correctly, the direction of the line may trend in the opposite direction. (See the gold line from wave 5 to 6 – the line should be going up).

Best Answer

A stacked line chart will distort your trends because they are trending to the sum of all the values below, not the value for that line.

As I stated in my comments, this is one way around it. I don't claim it is the only or best way, but stacked lines are not a solution.

Regular Line chart

In this, I took your data and created a regular line chart. I changed the vertical axis to have min of 8% and max of 24%. I also made it a little taller proportionally, which you often need to do to get the kind of separation for similar values. Additionally I played with the data labels, some right, some top, and some bottom. You can also select individual data label boxes and move them around to help with clarity.

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