Spurious 0.0000000000001 Added to Formula Result in Excel

microsoft exceloffice365worksheet-function

My wife and I have a spreadsheet to work out our finances at the beginning of each month and this month has a strange figure in cell F9.

The formula in cell F9 is ="+ £"&-'Sue''s Outgoings'!C13&" Shortfall" which should output + £57.35 Shortfall but it outputs + £57.3500000000001 Shortfall.

Formula in cell F9
image of formula in cell F9

To try and troubleshoot this, I put =-'Sue''s Outgoings'!C13 in cell F13 which outputs exactly what is in 'Sue''s Outgoings'!C13 which is 57.35. (see second image below)

Formula in cell F13
image of formula in cell F13

All cells in Sue's Outgoings sheet are formatted to Currency format and I temporarily reformatted all cells to General to see if there was a hidden strange figure in there and there was nothing. All figures in Sue's Outgoings sheet are straight figures and not results of formulae.

What other reason could there be for the spurious addition of 0.0000000000001 to the result?

Best Answer

Excel uses floating point math, that means sometimes there are such digits hidden in your values. (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/office/troubleshoot/excel/floating-point-arithmetic-inaccurate-result)

Those are generally displayed correctly, however when you convert them to text, those indeed may cause issues, one workaround is to use ROUND in your formula:

="+ £"& ROUND(-'Sue''s Outgoings'!C13,2) &" Shortfall"
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