Excel Smart Find and Replace only specific characters

find and replacemicrosoft excel

I want to change INT to INTERNATIONAL and NA to NATIONAL ASSEMBLY in whole excel workbook through an excel Macro or Find and Replace dialogue box. But when I run the macro or change it through Find and Replace dialogue box it also replace NA from CHINA last 2 characters and it became CHINATIONAL ASSEMBLY and INTERIOR to INTERNATIONALERIOR.

Now, I want that Excel should only smartly find the character NA in the workbook which is not included with any other character likewise character INT which is not attach to any other character.

Best Answer

If you go the VBA route, try using Regular Expressions

Here's a start

Sub ReplaceWithRE()
    Dim re As Object 'RegExp
    Dim rng As Range, cl As Range
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim sReplace As String
    Dim aReplace(0 To 1, 0 To 1) As String
    Dim i As Long

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") ' New RegExp
    re.Global = True
    re.IgnoreCase = False
    re.MultiLine = True

    ' Load array of patterns and replacements
    aReplace(0, 0) = "\bINT\b"
    aReplace(0, 1) = "INTERNATIONAL"
    aReplace(1, 0) = "\bNA\b"
    aReplace(1, 1) = "NATIONAL ASSEMBLY"

    For Each sh In wb.Worksheets
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rng = sh.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            On Error GoTo 0
            For Each cl In rng
                sReplace = cl.Value
                ' Test each cell for each pattern, replace when found
                For i = 0 To UBound(aReplace, 1)
                    re.Pattern = aReplace(i, 0)
                    If re.Test(sReplace) Then
                        sReplace = re.Replace(sReplace, aReplace(i, 1))
                    End If
                cl.Value = sReplace
        End If

End Sub
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