Excel – Separate Word chart’s data from Excel file

chartslinksmicrosoft wordmicrosoft-excel-2013microsoft-word-2013

There is a certain chart in Excel that I cannot exactly replicate in Word, so I copied the chart into a Word document. However, now the chart's data are tied to the Excel document I copied the chart from. I'd like to separate the data from the Excel file so the chart's data is stored in the same way it would be stored if I had created a chart in Word from scratch – within the Word file.

Can this be done?

Best Answer

  1. Create your chart in Excel -- it will be easier later if you have the data in one sheet and the chart in another. Make sure the sheet with the chart is visible and that the chart is in the top left corner of the sheet (again, this makes things easier later on)

  2. Save the .XLSX wherever is convenient and close it

  3. Open the Word file

  4. Drag the Excel file onto the Word document or go to Insert -> Text -> Object -> Object, then click on the "Create from File" tab, browse to your file and, making sure the "Link to File checkbox is unchecked, click OK.

  5. If you right-click on the chart, you should be able to edit it by choosing Worksheet Object -> Open in the pop-up menu

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