Excel – Scroll Lock key on for keyboard lights but off for Excel

keyboardmicrosoft excel

My keyboard uses the Scroll Lock key to turn the lights for the keys and key background on and off. Excel uses the same key to control movement when using the arrow keys. How can I "tell" Excel the Scroll Lock key is always off even when it is on? I have to believe there is a registry entry I could make do this. Remapping the keyboard doesn't work. I remap the Scroll Lock key and the keyboard reads that key as well. Any ideas please.

Best Answer

I am having the same issue with a cmstorm and made a research a whole day. Please check the following links:



In both you will find that in order to fix it you need to make hardware modifications (this will void your warranty).

You will solder a cable to feed power into the backlight instead letting it wait for power coming from the scrlk button's led light when active.

I tried to find a software solution but it seems there isn't any for windows. For Linux it may be possible to achieve the control through software.

I hope you find this information useful.