Excel – Remove outline/page border in Microsoft Excel

bordermicrosoft excel

How do I hide the outside grid lines (at the edges of my data header) in Microsoft Excel?

I need to have gridlines print/view ON for the rest of the data. I can hide some gridlines in my header, by filling the cells with white color, but I cannot get rid of the grid lines on the outside edges (Top Left, Top, Top right). Basically I always have a line/box around my data header.

I have tried changing the line color to white but it does not work. I changed the line color to green. You see a green line on top of a black line.
Any ideas?

Best Answer

I have Excel 2010

  1. Click on the Office button in the top left corner.

  2. Select the Excel Options button at the bottom right side of the Office menu.

  3. Select Advanced in the left column. Scroll down to the Display Options for this Worksheet section. Uncheck the box. Click OK.

enter image description here

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