Excel – Put a checkbox in a cell in Excel v15 for Mac

microsoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2016spreadsheet

I am trying to make a checklist in Excel.
Basically I am trying to make a cell:

enter image description here

Into a checkbox that can be checked or unchecked, and saved with the spreadsheet:

enter image description here

enter image description here

It's super-duper easy to do it in Apple Numbers, but very hard to do in Excel.
And exporting from Numbers to .xlsx doesn't support checkboxes yet.

I looked into "Cell Style" but it's not a cell style. I looked into Format but it's not a "format" either. I looked into "Insert", into "Page Layouts", into "Formulas", into "Data", I think I've looked everywhere, but I can't find this where I think it would make sense for this option to be.

Can it be done? And if yes, how?

Best Answer

In Excel 2016, instead of “Customize Ribbon”, you will need to go to the “View” pane in Excel Preferences, then check the box next to “Developer Tab”.

Excel 2016 for Mac - View Preferences Pane

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