Excel – Match up date and time values in different Excel sheets

microsoft excelworksheet-function

I have an excel file and need the following.
There are two sheets in one Excel file. The first sheet shows date and time values in column C & D. The second sheet does this too in column A & B.

I want to match up the date and time from sheet 1 with sheet 2 and when there is a match put column C (date) of sheet 2 in column G of sheet 1.

For example in sheet 1 cell C3 & D3 are "2/24/2009" & "15:00". In sheet 2 that matches with A13 & B13 and so we take C13 from sheet 2 and place it in sheet 1 G3.

I want to be able to replace the cells in sheet 1 and sheet 2 and they should be able to repopulate with correct data.

Best Answer

This can be done without changing the original data layout or joining any data. You can use an Index/Match combo like this:


enter image description here

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