Excel – Is it possible to have a custom data table visible underneath a chart in MS Excel

chartsmicrosoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2007

I have a column chart with a single series of data to be shown on the chart.

However, I also have another column of data that corresponds to the one being visualized, but instead of charting it, I want to show it as a data table beneath the chart.

Right now, every time I add a data-table to the chart and poke around its options, I can only ever get the data for the series that are actually being charted, and not additional columnar data. Ideally, I could exclude the data that is already charted (to avoid redundancy) and add the other column for use only in the data table. But it seems the data table is inexorably tied to what you actually see in the cart.

Is this possible? I know there are lots of tricks for massaging Excel into doing what you want, but so far it has eluded me. (Excel 2007)

Best Answer

You can set the ChartArea and PlotArea properties to NoFill to make them transparent. Then place to chart on top of a range containig the table

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