Excel – In Excel Sheet how to convert the date format of a cell to general format when its value is changed from date to text(or number)

formattingmicrosoft excel

I find this very strange in excel sheet (or may be its just me), by default all the CELLS in the excel sheet are in GENERAL format (G) and when I enter date value (1/1/2012) in a cell the format gets changed to date (D4) which is perfect. But when I change back the value to some text value (e.g: train) the format does not change to general format (or text format), it still stays as date format (D4).

Should I enable any setting in my Excel to change the format from date to general when a cell's value is changed from date to text ?

any help will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

No, you can't do this. It is a one-time thing.