Excel – How to prevent VLOOKUP from breaking after I add a column to a named range

microsoft excelnamed-rangesvlookup

My Excel worksheet contains a lot of VLOOKUPs on a named range that I have defined. Now, when I added a column in the middle of my named range, the VLOOKUPs that reference columns after the inserted column are now broken. I understand the problem, but what is the best way to fix? Is there a way to figure out the column number from the header text?

Using Kaze's idea of INDEX and MATCH seemed to be the best solution. Here's what I ended up with:

INDEX(MyTableData, MATCH("RowLabel", RowList, 0), MATCH("ColumnLabel", ColumnList,0))

where MyTableData is a named range of the entire table, RowList is a named range of the row header, and ColumnList is a named range of the column headers.

Best Answer

Personally, I prefer using an INDEX-MATCH combo for lookups instead of VLOOKUP. Here's an example off the Pokedex I was compiling for my niece.

enter image description here

To get Squirtle's Hidden Ability, I'd use this formula:

=INDEX(F2:F11,MATCH("Squirtle", A2:A11,0),1)

This yields the same result as:

=INDEX(A1:G11,MATCH("Squirtle",A1:A11,0),MATCH("Hidden Ability",A1:G1,0))

One good thing about INDEX-MATCH is that in most cases, you don't need to reference the entire data range, so the first formula should work even if you regularly add columns and rows to your data range. It also has another advantage: since you're referencing only 2 one-dimensional ranges, it calculates faster.

Nevertheless, you can still use MATCH with your VLOOKUP formulas to get the column number.


$A$1:$H$1 is the first row in your data/named range, or the row that contains header text
NAMED_RANGE is the name for your data range
"COLUMN_TEXT" is the header text for the column that contains the data you need
C1 contains your lookup value

Edit: Added Index-Match example as per Doug's request. :D

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